This important training and tech transfer program emphasizes just how important proper saw cutting is to pavement joints, as well as for overall paving quality.
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Time: Noon to 1:00 p.m. (CST) | 1 to 2:00 p.m. (EST) | 11 a.m. to Noon (MST)
- Scott Eilken, Owner, Quality Saw & Seal, Inc., Bridgeview, Ill.
This course covers the essentials of saw cutting, beginning with an overview of the reasons why we saw concrete pavements, as well as an explanation about why concrete cracks (and what to do to control cracks).
The program then covers the different types of saw-cutting machines, as well as some of their basic features and benefits. Next, take a look at blade types and how to select the right type of blade for the job.
The presentation includes many tips and pointers, including:
- When to saw
- How to determine the “green zone”
- How to protect joint intersections during sawing
- And many more useful tips, all presented with an insider’s view by this leading provider of sawing and drilling services
This is an important program for paving contractors, saw cutting contractors, agencies, consultants, and others interested in concrete sawing operations. Regardless of your experience level, this course provides some exceptional insights and tips to help ensure the short and long term quality of your concrete pavement.
PDH Credits
The American Concrete Pavement Association will award 1.0 professional development hour (PDH) to those wishing to complete an optional “evidence of learning exam” following the webinar.
Participants interested in earning PDH’s are responsible for determining the applicability of any training programs toward licensing requirements in their respective state/province. This program is oriented toward jurisdictions that allow self-reporting for licensure purposes. Participants are strongly advised to check the applicability of this training along with other reporting requirements in advance of taking this course.
Registration is quick and easy. Please click here to register online.
Important: Government employees must contact ACPA directly to receive the government discount. Please contact:
- (Tuesday-Friday) Debbie Becker — [email protected] or (847) 423-8710
- (Monday) Andy Gieraltowski — [email protected] or (847) 423-8707