The American Concrete Institute (ACI), announces the launch of ACI University—a global, online learning resource, providing on-demand access to a wide range of topics on concrete materials, design, and construction, appealing to everyone from testing technicians to practicing engineers.
Unveiled today at World of Concrete in Las Vegas, NV, ACI University combines all of ACI's online educational offerings in one location and makes them more convenient to access, even on mobile devices. With this immediate access to courses covering ACI's technical documents, preparation for ACI certifications, webinars on a variety of concrete-related topics, and study programs on concrete design requirements, concrete professionals can obtain education from an internationally recognized leader in a more easily accessible manner than ever before.
Video: ACI University Provides On-demand Access to Its Online Educational Offerings
"ACI has a long history of providing world class learning," says Frances Griffith, Chair, ACI Educational Activities Committee. "Continuing in that tradition and leveraging the latest in today’s educational technology, the ACI University is a global, completely online, one-stop shop portal to all of ACI’s online courses — conveniently accessible through desktop and mobile devices."
Courses cover ACI technical documents, preparation for ACI Certification, webinars on a variety of concrete-related topics, and study programs on concrete design requirements. Subjects include Concrete Fundamentals, Adhesive Anchor Installation, Concrete Strength Testing Technician Certification Training, Webinars on Guide to Decorative Concrete, Tolerance Compatibility in Concrete Construction, and many more.
In conjunction, ACI is also launching a new Certificate Program. This comprehensive and in-depth program will be available for an individual to review, study, and be tested on a variety of topics, resulting in a certificate noting the individual's completion of a variety of single-topic-focused courses from the ACI University. Certificate programs on "Concrete Fundamentals" and "Anchorage to Concrete" are currently available, and additional topics will be added.
ACI University Courses
- Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
- Testing of Self-Consolidating Concrete
- Concrete Basics
- Concrete Fundamentals
- Concrete Field Testing Grade I Certification Training
- Concrete Strength Testing Technician Certification Training
- Concrete Sustainability
- Controlled Low-Strength Materials (CLSM) Fundamentals
- Adhesive Anchors: Reliability, Environmental Exposure, and Hole Preparation
- Adhesive Anchor Installation
- Qualification of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors
- Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors
- Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Training – COMING SOON
- Aggregates for Concrete
- Reinforcement for Concrete
- Cementitious Materials for Concrete
- Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
- Review ACI 222.2R-14: A Report on Corrosion of Pre-stressing Steels (On-Demand Webinar)
- Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures (Four-part, On-Demand Webinar)
- Intentions and Contents of the New "Guide to Formed Concrete Surfaces" (On-Demand Webinar)
- ACI 437.2-13: Code Requirements for Load Testing of Existing Concrete Structures (On-Demand Webinar)
- Externally Bonded Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening Concrete Structures
- Anchorage to Concrete (Five-part, On-Demand Webinar)
- Certified Adhesive Anchor Installers (On-Demand Webinar)
- ACI 332: A Contractor-Friendly Concrete Code (On-Demand Webinar)
- Guide to Decorative Concrete (On-Demand Webinar)
- The Reorganized 318-14: Benefits, Rationale, and Availability (On-Demand Webinar)
- Testing Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements under Slowly Applied Simulated Seismic Loads (On-Demand Webinar)
- Curado Interno: Curando el Concreto de Adentro hacia Afuera (On-Demand Webinar)
- Internal Curing: Curing Concrete from the Inside-Out (On-Demand Webinar)
- Tolerance Compatibility in Concrete Construction (On-Demand Webinar)
- ACI University Certificate Program Courses
- Anchorage Design Certificate Program
- Concrete Fundamentals Certificate Program
To increase the ease of use, ACI has developed the ACI University App, which can be downloaded from the App Store. To learn more about the ACI University or new Certificate program, visit, call 248-848-3800.