The American Concrete Institute announces the availability of a new publication for concrete industry designers, suppliers, and contractors—Legal Issues in Concrete Construction, Second Edition, authored by Jeffrey W. Coleman, P.E., FACI, Attorney at Law.
The author provides interpretations of the courts’ findings and contrasts the decisions with other results where possible. This second edition of Legal Issues in Concrete Construction contains over 150 cases—more than three times the number of cases as the first edition, and it assembles the cases into 23 chapters.
Expanded to over 260 pages, this new edition is reorganized around key topics – Cracking, Load Tickets, Responsibility for Mix, and more. These unique topics can be found only in this publication. The first chapter provides a basic primer on concrete, and is followed by chapters organized around specific construction and legal topics.
As an added bonus for reader convenience and reference, the complete report "ACI 132R-14 - Guide for Responsibility in Concrete Construction" has been included as Appendix C. This book will be an invaluable resource for concrete industry designers, suppliers, and contractors.
A licensed structural engineer with more than 30 years of experience as a practicing attorney, Jeffrey W. Coleman has collected legal cases specific to concrete construction and presents them in a useable format for contractors and design professionals.
Learn more and purchase at www.concrete.org or call (248) 848-3700.