Key construction professionals and regulatory representatives will meet at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, TX, on October 26-27, for the inaugural 2016 OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference.
Construction industry leaders and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) personnel, UT Arlington OSHA Safety and Health Programs delegates, construction industry leaders and other regulatory agency representatives aim to foster a more safe and healthy workplace while building a collaborative relationship between construction companies and the agencies that support them.
The 2016 OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference is a two-day conference that will provide participants with the opportunity for quality health and safety education, networking and practical solutions. It will provide a wide variety of educational breakout sessions designed to inform participants of the latest industry techniques, trends, and new areas of research. The exhibitor area will be focused on providing information to participants to interactively assist with reaching their organizational safety and health goals.
Regulatory officials from OSHA along with numerous national agencies will be in attendance to provide information and share their role in supporting construction activity. Their purpose is to share their agency’s focus areas and experiences in regulatory and safety performance.
“We are facing many challenges in our industry today. Construction has an aging workforce, limited numbers of skilled workers, ever demanding schedules, and increasing barriers to communication. Companies and leaders who grasp this concept will lead our industry into the future and provide a safer and more productive working environment. This conference provides a venue to acquire, focus and sharpen your leadership and technical skills to better prepare you to play a proactive role in shaping the future. Join us by making a personal commitment to change!” says Shane Morrow, Safety Director at Austin Commercial and 2016 OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference Planning Committee Chair.
More than 400 industry professionals are expected to attend the two-day conference where they will have access to keynote addresses and over 35 diverse breakout sessions in tracks ranging from Lean Tools for Safety Professionals to Leadership and Risk Management. With the goal of reducing injuries and fatalities in the construction industry, OSHA officials and other national agencies will be in attendance to provide information and share their role in supporting the construction industry.
Speakers will cover industry safety techniques and trends, new areas of research, and OSHA focus areas. Attendees will also have access to more than 50 exhibitors who will provide information to participants and their companies to assist with reaching health and safety goals.
“This inaugural conference will be a great venue for OSHA and the construction industry to share the latest trends that impact workers on a daily basis. This conference will address specific safety and health issues at job sites around the country and provide solutions. One of the greatest values will be the interaction between the industry, OSHA and other agencies. This conference will provide you the opportunity to network and make partners and contacts that could benefit you a lifetime. Don’t miss it!” says Josh Flesher, CSP, OSHA Dallas/Fort Worth Assistant Regional Administrator and 2016 OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference Planning Committee Chair.