Join Construction Industry Call to President Obama: Approve Keystone XL Now!

President has until Feb. 21 to decide on granting permit to build Canada-to-Gulf-Coast pipeline

Sixteen national construction associations and unions joined AED in calling on the Obama administration to swiftly approve the Keystone XL pipeline project.

Under legislation enacted last month (H.R. 3765), President Obama has until Feb. 21 to make a decision about whether to grant a permit for the project, which would transport Canadian crude oil to Gulf Coast refineries. If the president does not act, the permit will be granted as a matter of law. AED is leading construction sector supporters urging the administration to approve the project before the deadline so it can proceed without delay.

In a Jan. 12 letter to the White House coordinated by AED, organizations representing construction contractors, workers, and suppliers said that, “[by] bringing an extra 830,000 barrels of oil per day to U.S. refineries, the pipeline would reduce U.S. reliance on energy resources from less stable regions, create American jobs, and enhance our national security.”

The coalition pointed to recent volatility in the Persian Gulf related to Iran’s nuclear program as further evidence of the need to tap into new energy resources. “With the pipeline, our crude imports from Canada could reach four million barrels a day by 2020, twice what we currently import from the Persian Gulf,” the letter said. The group also highlighted the economic benefits of the project, which would create an estimated 20,000 jobs. 13,000 of those would be in the construction sector, which has still not recovered from the recent recession.

“There’s a clear consensus, not just within the construction industry, but among business and labor organizations as well, that Keystone is critical to the long-term health of the U.S. economy,” AED President & CEO Toby Mack said. “We hope President Obama will green light the project immediately so we can put Americans to work securing our energy independence.”

Keystone XL Pipeline Project: Tell Your Story!
Keystone XL pipeline supporters on Capitol Hill have asked AED to compile testimonials from companies that will benefit from the project.

Are you willing to share your story about how Keystone XL will benefit your company (specifically your projections on job creation) and if the project is rejected, how it will negatively impact your business? If so, please send your anecdote to AED’s Senior Director of Government Affairs Daniel Fisher ([email protected]). Time is of the essence, so please share your insights today!

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