UltraFiber 500 Brand Acquired by Soloman Colors Inc.

Solomon Colors Inc. announces the acquisition of the UltraFiber 500 product line of concrete secondary reinforcement fibers.

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Solomon Colors Inc. announces the acquisition of the UltraFiber 500 product line of concrete secondary reinforcement fibers from Georgia Pacific LLC, formerly Buckeye Technology.

For the past six years, Solomon Colors has represented UltraFiber 500 and the attraction that led Solomon Colors to purchase UltraFiber 500 was its characteristics in finishing quality, crack control, better hydration and bonding, an invisible fiber for decorative concrete, and the fully automated dispensing system capability.

Solomon Colors, Inc. will continue the same manufacturing and packaging process for UltraFiber 500 and will produce, service, and install the UltraFiber 500 Automatic Dispenser System. As with the company’s Solomon ColorFlo automated dispensing systems, UltraFiber 500 dispensers will be maintained by in-house service technicians.

In addition to the current UltraFiber 500 shipping points, Solomon Colors will be stocking UltraFiber 500 at both our Springfield, Ill. and Rialto, Calif. manufacturing plants. This will allow the product to be purchased and shipped with the complete line of Solomon Colors, Inc. pigments, and Brickform & Legacy branded decorative products.

Please contact Solomon Colors, Inc. account representatives at (800)624-0261 or (217)522-3112 for placing orders and inquiries. Orders can also be faxed at (800)624-3147 or e-mailed to [email protected].


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