Atlas Copco launched new versions of its Cobra PROe and Cobra TTe gas-powered handheld breakers. The breakers are available with two tool shank sizes, which allow rental centers to achieve high utilization rates and ROI by offering customers versatile equipment. The breakers also have high power-to-weight ratios and optimize operator comfort, which enhances productivity on a variety of jobs, including those in remote locations or confined spaces.
- Hand Arm Protection System, an Atlas Copco exclusive, minimizes harmful vibrations that transfer from the machine to the operator.
- The breakers minimize vibration intensity with the vibro-dampening system. The system uses leaf springs to spread vibrations over a larger area than traditional rubber bushings or spiral springs, which mean fewer vibrations are transferred to the operator.
- The breakers weigh as little as 53 lbs. and are 24 in. wide from handle to handle.
- The compact size make them quick and easy to maneuver.
- The TTe delivers 1,620 blows per minute and 30 foot-pounds of impact energy.
- The PROe features a blow frequency of 1,440 and as much as 44 foot-pounds of impact energy.
- Both models are available with two tool shank sizes: 1-1/8 x 6- and 1-1/4 x 6-inches wide
- The breakers are easy to maintain.
- High-capacity air filters are located at the top of the breakers and are easily removed to minimize service times.
- The oil level indicator is located just under their handles for simple oil checks.
- Both the PROe and TTe feature decompression valves and electric ignitions, making them easy to start in any temperature.
- The unit’s one cylinder, two-stroke engines can operate with alkalyte or 90 to 100 premixed octane unleaded gas.
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