The people handing out reflective safety vests imprinted with the Case or Gorman-Rupp logos at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2014 next month in Las Vegas are not just being nice, they're giving you an important piece of safety gear chance to win $100.
Case and Gorman-Rupp are giving away 7,000 vests through marketing partner, Cygnus Construction Network, and then handing out seventy $100 bills randomly to people wearing vests with either of the two logos on them at the show.
Pick up your vest at either Case's booth No. N-11722 in the North Hall, or Gorman Rupp's booth No. C-50077 in the Central Hall.
And don't be surprised if you walk off with $100.
All $100 winners are entered in a grand prize drawing on Saturday, March 8, 2014.