Streamline Paving Operations with Accurate Bidding & Project Planning

Technologies are available to help contractors better manage their processes which can improve efficiencies and profitability

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*Content sponsored by Attentive

In the past, contractors have had to deal with the time consuming process of making a trip to each jobsite where a customer requested a bid, measuring the property, making calculations and then creating an estimate for the work. Not only is this inefficient, it also hinders the ability to work on multiple projects.

Automating the bidding process at your company is one surefire way to help improve efficiencies in your business. By doing so you free up ample amounts of time for your team allowing them to focus more on building customer relationships instead of scrambling to make the proposals in time. 

But how is this done? Let us see. 

Automation = Efficiency

Your sales team is heavily occupied and they have to meet aggressive quotas. There are only so many job sites that they are physically able to visit in a day in order to take measurements. By using an automated process, these tasks are streamlined considerably.

“Attentive automatically generates parking lot measurements on the latest high resolution aerial imagery of the site, saving you about 95% time otherwise spent on wheeling off sites,” Shiva Dhawan, Co-Founder and CEO at Attentive Inc. says. “Developed over three years of R&D, the measurements are 98%+ accurate. So not only can the sales team send more proposals in a day from the comfort of their office, but there is also a very low margin of error in these estimates which improves accuracy in creating the bid.”

With Attentive’s state of the art software, users can get automated measurements for asphalt and concrete area, potholes, line striping length, curb strips, crack length, cross hatching & stop bar striping length, the number of regular and handicapped parking stalls and count of directional arrows. As mentioned before, these are generated automatically with no manual work required and are delivered to you the same day they are requested. Users can prepare the most detailed cost, time, and material estimates.

Thanks to Attentive’s sales automation software, measuring a large 50-acre parking lot may now be completed in less than 10 hours as opposed to 3-4 days, Dhawan says. “You can produce paving maintenance bids much more quickly and in greater quantities with instantly created automated property measurements. In the busiest season, send out 2-3 times more proposals. With the click of a mouse, users can receive property measurements with color-coded service diagrams and HD sitemaps. Attentive provides you with automatically generated takeoffs, enhancing your proposal throughput.”

Here are a few other ways in which Attentive differentiates itself from all other online property measurement tools:

    • Fully auto-generated parking lot measurements
    • Advanced AI to correctly identify property features like asphalt surfaces, edges and points
      • Multiple measurements in parallel
        • 24x7 customer support team
          • Advanced editing tools
            • Team collaboration tools
              • Get PDF, Excel, JPG, and shareable link exports

                Working Smarter

                Bidding is a complex process. As business owners know, a mistake here could be quite costly: 

                  • If you bid too high, you run the danger of losing business to your rivals; 
                  • If you bid too low, your margins would be severely reduced. 

                    “Due to a lack of time, paving maintenance workers frequently wind up making guesstimates which causes over or underbidding,” Dhawan says. “ Without even being aware of it, the majority of contractors miss out on project contracts worth thousands of dollars each month. A corporation with, let's say, $5 million in revenue is losing out on more than $250,000 in potential lost revenues by not using an automated system for measurements like”

                    With the mounting pressure contractors are facing each day to generate more profits to combat rising material and labor costs, using a software like Attentive can help create a competitive advantage that companies can’t afford to miss out on.

                    Advantages such as:

                      • Automated takeoffs created for your projects from the most up to date imagery available
                      • Faster, more accurate bids saving time in the field and on material costs
                        • Detailed information to help create more in-depth proposals that benefit your customers’ properties long term, strengthening relationships

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