LHP Telematics and Hortonworks, provider of enterprise Apache Hadoop, have partnered to provide predictive analytics and big data services for telematics customers.
Through this partnership, LHP Telematics customers can deploy Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) or Microsoft HDInsight on Azure to be fully integrated with the Equipment Intelligence Platform. OEMs and aftermarket customers will be able to take full advantage of a broad variety of big data services because LHP Telematics is not locking down these Hadoop clusters. Customers will have the ability to use any tools they want in their HDP environment, along with built-in services like Tableau Server.
In addition to the standard analytics toolsets, LHP Telematics is working on machine learning, real-time modeling analysis (using Apache Storm) along with fault and maintenance prediction. These additional services drive LHP Telematics to the forefront of the Big Data revolution in the telematics industry.
“Our customers continually ask us how they should be using the enormous amounts of data that our systems generate for them. In the past, the focus has been on better ways of reporting on faults, usage and productivity. Our partnership with Hortonworks and the flexibility of the HDP platform places our engineers in the driver’s seat to build new and innovative ways to utilize the data that are game changers for their businesses,” says Travis Jones, CTO of LHP Telematics.
Herb Cunitz, President of Hortonworks added, “In the big data world, businesses need to move fast, leveraging all the data they have at their fingertips, or they run the risk of getting passed by. The amount of telematics data that’s being collected presents a huge market opportunity. In collaborating with LHP Telematics, both companies see the value of this data stored and processed in Hadoop clusters. Hortonworks and LHP Telematics want to make it easier for customers to harness the data to support their businesses, deliver new revenue streams and shift their market position into overdrive.”