Import a MEP reference model in SketchUp Pro using Trimble Connect.
SketchUp 2015 3D modeling software features enhancements designed to enrich the user experience as well as make it easier and faster to create, access, share and collaborate on 2D drawings and 3D models.
- 64-bit support for Windows or Mac in addition to 32-bit systems support
- Cross-platform support for all licenses
- Cloud-based license management and checkout capabilities for network licenses
- IFC file import capabilities allows for back-and-forth sharing of IFC files between SketchUP Pro and any other application
- Access and modify information modeling classifications via the Ruby API (application programming interface)
- LayOut 2D drawing and documentation tool manages drawings and displays data from information models, applying object classifications in SketchUP and accessing that info in LayOut using enhanced annotation tool
- 3-point Arc tool to draw arced edges four different ways
- Rotated Rectangle tool for drawing precise rectangles unbound by default axes
- Facilitates collaboration with data and files from other Trimble products
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