Global Lifting Awareness Day, A Social Media Campaign to Raise the Lifting Industry

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Key stakeholders in the lifting industry are turning to social media as an outlet to spread important industry updates — an attempt at showing the world how vital the lifting industry is to society. This initiative stems from the lack of perception about the industry’s existence and impact on society among the everyday citizen, says Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA).

Although some marketing practices are still relevant, social media platforms are now becoming commonplace among company brands. This realization comes from the amount of people currently online. According to, there are 4.14 billion social media users. In other words, there is a pool of people available to reach.

These platforms, once used for communication among friends and family, have become an important factor in the growth of different industries, including healthcare, financial and retail sectors. Research continues to highlight that social media is becoming an important factor in the solidification of sales through recommendations, reoccurring exposure and engaging content.

The lifting industry is no different. Key stakeholders are starting to come to the conclusion that they need to be a part of the online conversation, which has lead to the creation of GLAD, the Global Lifting Awareness Day.

“The Lifting Industry wants to attract the next generation of recruits into this incredible sector,” Moloney said. “But it is also crucial that we remind end users of how important it is to use high quality suppliers who utilize years of experience and high-quality training, and who routinely develop innovative and thoughtful solutions.

“Through GLAD we can highlight to policymakers that we need them to recognize and support the role we play in improving health and safety across numerous key industries. Finally, GLAD is a great chance for us all to celebrate the incredible role our industry has performed and continues to play.”

On July 9, 2020, the first Global Lifting Awareness Day occurred. People in the industry chatted, posted and highlighted their lifting industry pride throughout various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

This past year, and the first online celebration, generated almost 1,000 individual, original mentions of #GLAD2020. This year LEEA intends to generate even more commotion with social media platforms and encourages everyone to post on various platforms, including the up-and-coming app, TikTok.

This year’s GLAD will occur on July 8 and will inspire the lifting industry to share triumphs, pride and lifting industry knowledge, such as skills and innovation.

“We encourage everyone with an interest in the Lifting Industry to support GLAD2021,” said Moloney. “We hope that on July 8, social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook will be filled with content from across the sector. We encourage trade journals to also consider supporting the effort in their publication schedules.”

GLAD Information provided by Lifting Equipment Engineers Association and edited by Chantal Zimmermann.

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