Sims Cab Depot Corp.

Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0

Company Overview
200 Moullinette Road
Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0
Phone:(613) 534-2289
Toll Free:(800) 225-7290
Fax:(613) 534-2182

You can purchase tractor cabs, cab enclosures, or sun shades for your tractor directly from Sims Cab Depot or from one of the company's more than 2,000 dealers across North America. 

Sims Cab Depot offers a variety of cab or enclosure types for agricultural, utility, construction, or off-road vehicles with all-steel enclosures, door assemblies, side panels, enclosure kits, skidsteer enclosures, sun shades, windshield assemblies, soft-sided enclosures, and hard-sided enclosures.

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