Deutz 2019 Diesel Engine Offering

New engine offerings will include four in-line engines between 9L and 18L plus a three-cylinder addition to the lower power output range

TCD 12.0 six-cylinder engine
TCD 12.0 six-cylinder engine

In 2019, Deutz plans to expand its portfolio with four new in-line engines between 9L and 18L capacity, as well as a three-cylinder addition to the lower power output range.

  • TCD 9.0 four-cylinder engine and TCD 12.0/13.5 and 18.0 six-cylinder models deliver power output of between 402 and 831 hp and are suited for heavy-duty off-highway applications
  • TCD 9.0 to 13.5 include a standardized customer interface and identical front and rear sides for easier installation and service
  • Three-cylinder TCD 2.2 offers power output from 30 to 75 hp, is based on the same engine platform as the four-cylinder TCD 2.9 and is suited for low-load applications
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