Self-Erecting Screen Tower

COLUMBUS, NE - GreyStone, Inc. offers a new fully portable Self-Erecting Screen Tower for sand, gravel and aggregate producers that move classifying equipment from site to site at least once per year. The screen tower, which uses a horizontal,

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This fully portable Self-Erecting Screen Tower is for sand, gravel and aggregate producers that move classifying equipment from site to site at least once per year.

  • Uses a horizontal, vibrating three-deck wet screen
  • Takes less than two days to tear down and set up and can easily be moved via semi-tractor
  • Can act as a primary screen for operations that screen 6-in. minus material or as a secondary or tertiary screen for plants that screen larger material
  • Feeds material 3/16-in. minus into a classifying tank and stockpiles up to three material sizes from the three decks
  • Raised and lowered at the touch of a button
  • Available in custom screen sizes up to 6' x 20' 
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