XMT WCC System

Ability to adjust voltage at the point of use reduces the need to leave the work area and travel back to the power source.

Miller Xmt 350 Vs Suitcase X T 11320253

Updated Feb. 28, 2014

The XMT WCC System updates available in the XMT 350 WCC and XMT 450 WCC allows the feeder to recognize polarity and send a message via the weld cable to the power supply, which automatically selects the appropriate wire process (GMAW/FCAW) based on the connection.

  • Change output voltage at the point of use
  • System uses existing weld cable to communicate from wire feeder to XMT
  • WCC capabilities are now an internal part of the XMT 450 (were previously integrated into the XMT 350)
  • XMT 450 WCC offers 450 amps at 100% duty cycle for Stick, TIG, MIG, Flux Cored and aire carbon arc cutting and gouging
  • XMT 350 WCC offers 350 amps at 60% duty cycle in a portable package
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