How to Reenergize Your Baby Boomer Workers

Tips to Keep Baby Boomers on Your team

Construction Workers
Much has been written just in the past few years about the battle of the generations. The “battle” is primarily between the up-and-coming “kids” known as the Millennials and the over-the-hill gang known as the Baby Boomers. But what has been written and what is often experienced can be two almost completely opposite realities.

The Millennials, we are told, are not responsible, have little interest in learning, are rarely loyal, and want to be president of something before they turn 27.  Boomers, on the other hand, are stuck in their ways, will not help educate the younger workers, don’t want to change... anything, and are just trying to ride out their job until retirement. 

Both generalities couldn’t be more “fake news.”

I’ve written and spoken on the Millennials for the past several years – most recently at the last National Pavement Expo in Cleveland – and quite honestly, most of the adults between the ages of 20-34 are outstanding. Sure, there are some “Carp” in the mix but there have been “bottom feeders” in every generation…Boomers’ included.

But in this article (and in Part 2 next issue), I want to address the group closest to my heart…and DNA (because I’m a card-carrying member), the Baby Boomers. Let me present some methods to reenergize and to reengage your Boomer employees and leaders.

1.   Don’t make it Easy for Your Baby Boomer to Fade Away.

If one of your Boomers says something like, “Oh, let the youngster do this, you don’t need me on this anymore,” don’t buy it!  If some Boomers see a younger employee taking on a task they normally did in the past, they may try to quietly slip away from the responsibility to perform the task.  Short of the Boomer training a Millennial a new skill, don’t let the Boomer just fade away.

2.    Position Your Boomer to Talk About Solutions.

That’s what our Millennials are missing: experience gained by doing some things the hard way.  While not all Boomers will want to become trainers, set up your Boomers by just asking them to talk about, “How we used to do it.”  Most Millennials want to learn so let the Boomers -- those who may know more than anyone else – talk about how they take care of stress cracks in the pavement, redirect water away from a building, or get a few more years of life from an ornery piece of equipment.

3.    Resist Assuming All Boomer Just Want to Retire.

Do you realize that some of the higher death rates among retired people fall within the first few years of retirement?  As I tell people who ask me when I’m going to retire and slow down, “What, and die within five years?  I don’t think so!” Retirement is an American thing. It’s not uncommon to find other countries where some of the workforce works well into their seventies, even eighties.

Now, I’m not pushing for an increase in mandatory retirement, but Americans are living longer, as are people in many other developed countries.  Don’t assume that all Boomers just want to retire and spend the rest of their lives on vacation. Many do not have the financial power to do this and even then, how much of only fishing, golfing, even hanging with your grandkids can you do?  (OK, now that I’m a grand-father, I’ll give you the hanging with your grandchildren!)

4.    View Your Boomers with the Work Culture Needed.

OK, not every Boomer is the best example of your work culture, but most are. Consider a few questions:

  • Do they show up to work early?
  • Do they still work most of the day?
  • Do they tend to pick up tools without being asked?
  • Do they understand teamwork?
  • Do they practice “Measure twice-cut once” more often than not?

OK, not every Boomer is perfect but Boomers are more accustomed to working “the right way,” and “doing things right the first time” than many other workforce generations. That’s why Boomers are so valued! Leverage your Boomers to be examples, mentors and coaches.

5.    Engage Your Boomers to Dictate SOPs for Work Processes.

Notice I wrote…”Dictate SOPs.”  Few Boomers (or any other age group) wants to write Standard Operating Procedures.  However, they might verbalize the steps a work procedure should follow if someone else will record the steps. Get your current Boomers, the ones you really do trust and count on, to provide the step-by-step instructions needed to lay out a jobsite, prepare a truck for leaving the yard, inspect a sweeper, complete an RFI, or insure all OSHA documentation is compliant. You don’t have to be a Boomer to not like to write, but many experienced Boomers will talk all day about how things should be done. 

Next issue: 5 more Tips to keep Boomers (like me) engaged and energized!


