NAPSA's Incoming President Attends NPE West 2008

Carl Barton is NAPSA's new president and NPE West attendee.

Carl Barton, Aardvark Sweeping Service, Memphis, TN, the incoming president of the North American Power Sweeping Association (NAPSA), worked the association’s booth throughout much of NPE West 2008, answering questions from current NAPSA members and prospective members as well. Barton will assume the NAPSA presidency from current president Dale McCaskill, Southco Sweeping & Maintenance, Camden, SC, at the upcoming National Pavement Expo, Feb. 18-21 in Charlotte, NC. In a major move NAPSA recently hired Association Headquarters to manage its operation. For more information see the January issue of Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction. And if you aren’t yet a subscriber, sign up here for a free subscription.

National Pavement Expo 2009 will be February 18-21 in Charlotte, NC. Please visit to learn more.

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