Survey: Innovations That Will Have the Biggest Impact on Construction Over Next Three Years

Nearly half of survey respondents believe 3D imaging laser scanning will have the biggest impact on their jobs over the next three years

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Architects, engineers and construction pros anticipate the latest technologies such as augmented reality, BIM and 3D imaging laser scanning will have a significant impact on their jobs over the next three years. Yet they have concerns about the return on investment and learning curves associated with the adoption of these new technologies. These insights, along with others on the use of new technologies on the job were uncovered in a recent U.S. survey conducted by Leica Geosystems.

When asked, “Which of the following technologies will have the biggest impact on your job over the next three years?” participants responded: 

  • 3D Imaging Laser Scanning: 48%              
  • Augmented Reality: 24%                         
  • BIM: 14%                                                  
  • Drones: 9%                                           
  • Robots: 5%

While 3D laser scanning was at the top of the list of the technologies with the biggest impact, when it came to using it, participants had mixed levels of experience. According to the survey, 33% are familiar with the concept of 3D laser scanning but have never worked directly with it. Another 29% either provide a laser scanning service or use a scanner and work directly with the data. Among the 21% who do use scanning data, the data is provided to them from someone else. The remaining 17% responded that laser scanning is new to them. 

Before investing in new technologies, architects, engineers and construction pros rely primarily on the online insight provided by their peers. In response to the question, “Which of the following online media tools do you reference before investing in new technology?” with options for “rarely,” “sometimes,” and “never,” survey participants reported the following under “most often”:                                            

  • Product reviews: 63%                              
  • Tutorial videos: 61%                                  
  • End user videos/blogs: 55%                      
  • Online forums: 37%                                  
  • Online news/media sources: 29%

In ranking the top three concerns when adopting new technology at work, survey participants first cited an unknown timeframe for return on investment, followed by a steep learning curve, and finding a qualified employee to use the technology. 

The survey was conducted in August 2017 among architects, engineers, and construction professionals that have reserved a BLK360, the world’s smallest 3D imaging laser scanner.

