Natural Gas Vital to the Future of Reliable, Independent Energy Mix

The benefits of using natural gas reach far and wide. Natural gas is more environmentally friendly than other fossil fuels. It’s “cleaner” than coal when burned, emitting half the amount of carbon dioxide.

The new climate change rule for transitioning power plants calls for a direct transition from coal to renewables. The rule fails to mention the large role that natural gas plays in providing a reliable energy mix and as a bridge to a lower carbon emitting future. Natural gas is central to meeting American energy needs due to its abundance, low cost and efficiency.

Benefits of natural gas

The benefits of using natural gas reach far and wide. Natural gas is more environmentally friendly than other fossil fuels. It’s “cleaner” than coal when burned, emitting half the amount of carbon dioxide. According to the American Gas Association, “In most applications, using natural gas produces less of the following substances than oil or coal: carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the primary greenhouse gas; sulfur dioxide, which is the primary precursor of acid rain; nitrogen oxides, which is the primary precursor of smog; and particulate matter, which can affect health and visibility; than oil or coal. Using natural gas to replace less environmentally benign fuels can help address simultaneously a number of environmental concerns, such as smog, acid rain and greenhouse gas emissions.” Using natural gas contributes to a healthier planet.

Natural gas is reliable because it doesn’t depend on variable weather conditions like solar and wind do. As reported in The Hill, Frank Macchiarola, the top lobbyist for America’s Natural Gas Alliance, said “The fact is that for a diverse fuel supply, you’re going to need both out into the future. The likely scenario is that natural gas will be part of the long term picture because wind and solar are intermittent power sources.” It is prudent to have a range of energy sources available since they behave differently, and American energy needs are unlikely to decrease in the near future.

Natural gas’s reliability makes it a beneficial addition to the energy mix for a variety of applications including electricity, industry and heating. Other applications include using natural gas as a raw material to make lightweight cars, wind power blades and solar panels, according to the American Gas Association. It’s also used to create fertilizer for ethanol and methane for hydrogen, which eradicates amorphous carbons for a cleaner diesel fuel.

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