Point of Rental Essentials’ Smart Suggestions

Point of Rental Essentials’ Smart Suggestions uses the power of machine learning to offer additional rental or sale items with equipment rentals in a company’s online storefront.

Smart Suggestions Mockup W Logo

Point of Rental Essentials’ Smart Suggestions uses the power of machine learning to offer additional rental or sale items with equipment rentals in a company’s online storefront. It takes data from millions of rentals around the world, identifies what items tend to get rented together and makes relevant suggestions when a customer rents an item online. This results in fewer additional trips from customers who forgot something the first time, increases a business’s average contract value, and makes the in-person pickup process easier. 

Keeping tabs on inventory is hard, especially when it’s constantly on rent, in the maintenance yard or prepped and ready to rent. Essentials’ inventory tracking makes it easier to track what you have, no matter where it is.

With Essentials, users can create a contract with a new customer within 60 seconds. It takes even less time with repeat customers because the system stores basic customer information.

Additional features include:

  • Inventory reports show you utilization, maintenance due, damage, inventory losses, etc.
  • General reports show ROI, inactive inventory items, and income by day, stock and category.
  • Transaction reports help you pull picklists, see daily deliveries, manage subrentals, and more.
  • Accounting reports send ledger entries to your accounting software or provide daily totals.
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