Demand for LEED Accredited Professionals Growing in the Building Industry

Study shows demand for LEED AP and LEED Green Associate credentials grew 46% over a 12-month period

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced the results of a study of job postings from across the United States, revealing that demand for the LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP) and LEED Green Associate credentials grew 46 percent over a 12-month period.
“This figure tells a powerful story about the value that building-industry employers assign to knowledgeable, LEED-credentialed professionals,” said Rick Fedrizzi, president, CEO and founding chair, USGBC.
The study, conducted by USGBC education partner Pearson, using data provided by Burning Glass, found a total of 9,033 U.S. job postings from March 2013 to February 2014 that required a LEED credential. Top fields being advertised included available positions in mechanical, electrical and civil engineering; construction management; architecture; software development; sales management; property management; and interior design, among others.
A secondary 90-day study conducted by Pearson, using data provided by Burning Glass, from January 2014 to March 2014 of 2,354 U.S. green-building related positions also found LEED as the skill in highest demand by a wide margin. LEED appeared in 59 percent of all postings, compared to the second-most-required skill, which appeared in 17 percent of the postings.
The LEED AP credential affirms advanced knowledge in specialized areas of green building, expertise in a particular LEED rating system and competency in the certification process. It is suited for practitioners actively working on LEED projects to showcase their deep technical knowledge of LEED in both principle and practice.
The LEED Green Associate demonstrates a solid, current understanding of green building principles and practices. It is ideal for both professionals newer to the sustainability field or looking to gain experience and exposure to LEED, as well as those working in diverse roles such as product manufacturers, students, real estate professionals, contractors and more. 
In January 2014, USGBC launched Education @USGBC, a new platform featuring world-class courses for LEED professionals to maintain their credentials through continuing education. Yearly subscriptions are available for $199, with discounts available for USGBC members, students and organizations.To learn more about Education @USGBC, visit, and to learn more about LEED credentialing, visit

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