Cat Trial 14: The Technological Evolution of Cat Machines

It’s not just innovation for innovation’s sake. Caterpillar Inc. puts in the effort to make operators’ lives easier and Cat Trial 14: After Hours shows how they’ve done it, especially in the past 50 years.

Tom Bucklar, vice president of CAT Digital, and the Caterpillar Inc. team tell Equipment Today Editor-in-Chief Kathy Wells about some of the technology that features prominently in Cat Trial 14: After Hours. This behind-the-scenes interview at Cat’s Tinaja Hills proving grounds in Arizona gives you more information on: 

  • VisionLink. Dating back to the telematics connectivity started in the 1990s, Cat dealers are monitoring millions of connected assets for their customers. Visitors can learn more about VisionLink online. 

  • Cat Grade Control. A prototype of the very first 1968 era remote, machine control technology is seen in the video. That original technology has since developed into a must-have, which customers can learn about from their Cat dealer. 

    Geek out on the tech at Cat Trial 14: After Hours here. 

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