New Informational Tool Updates Transportation Revenue Options

While public officials continue to discuss ways to fund a new surface transportation authorization, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has updated its popular matrix of revenue generating options with new easy-to-understand graphics. The revenue matrix produced prior to MAP-21 enactment in 2012 was incorporated into AASHTO's reauthorization policy resolutions and white papers adopted by the AASHTO Board of Directors in October 2013. AASHTO has also produced a brief descriptive video highlighting the key features of this dynamic new funding information tool.

"The AASHTO Board of Directors is strongly united in its desire for Congress to identify long-term and sustainable funding to shore up the struggling Highway Trust Fund," said Wright. "However, AASHTO's board -- which is made up of 52 transportation department chiefs from all the states plus D.C. and Puerto Rico -- does not recommend any single approach over others. We do, however, absolutely remain committed to continue assisting Congress in identifying and implementing a revenue solution based on Congressional leadership and 'the art of the possible.'"

This update provides both a bubble display and a bar chart that easily allow viewers see how much revenue, or how little, some measures might provide based on illustrative rates provided. This will enable legislators to quickly analyze funding options appropriate to achieving desired levels of surface transportation investment.

Given changes in the broader economy since its last update, the revenue matrix incorporates up-to-date yield estimates based on latest available data. The updated information has been packaged with contextual information, such as descriptions of the revenue options and associated ramifications as examined by a SAFETEA-LU-established commission.

"Ultimately it is up to Congress to determine the best way to fund surface transportation and we know that building support for a path forward will involve some difficult compromises," said Bud Wright, AASHTO executive director. "This updated tool is meant to help Congress with that challenge."

The matrix is available at For more information, please contact Lloyd Brown, AASHTO director of communications, at 202-624-5802.

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