ForConstructionPros App of the Week: Construction Project Overhead Sizing Calculator

Construction contractors can create highly accurate and current job and project sizing information with this app to keep bids accurate and increase the chance to win good projects

The Stevens Construction Project Overhead Sizing Calculator uses current banking data of the behavior of costs in construction contracting to help contractors size overhead.
The Stevens Construction Project Overhead Sizing Calculator uses current banking data of the behavior of costs in construction contracting to help contractors size overhead.

Mobile app: Construction Project Overhead Sizing Calculator
Developer: Stevens Construction Institute, Inc.
Cost: $4.99
Available on: Apple devices

Construction contractors should use a project sizing process to make sure project bids are the right size whether it is a large or a small project. The Stevens Construction Project Overhead Sizing Calculator uses current banking data of the behavior of costs in construction contracting to help contractors size overhead.

Using this calculator app, construction contractors can create highly accurate and current job and project sizing information to keep bids accurate and increase the chance to win good projects and make money.
