Call Winning Plays to Build a Profitable Construction Company

To grow a business and make money takes more than getting the work done - it takes a great coach

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In business, like in football, the coach is the key. The coach’s job is to identify the plan of attack, develop the strategy, recruit and train good players, and then coach the team to get it done according to plan.
In business, like in football, the coach is the key. The coach’s job is to identify the plan of attack, develop the strategy, recruit and train good players, and then coach the team to get it done according to plan.

Think about what it takes to grow and maintain a successful construction business. What are the most important aspects to building a profitable company — doing the work right or managing the business? I’m sure you agree it takes both to be successful. Doing work to get jobs completed takes priority as phone calls, problems and challenges continually occur on the jobsite and need to be addressed now. Plus you’ve got to keep all of your crews working efficiently or you’ll lose money. But to grow a business and make money takes more than getting the work done.

Years ago the construction business was a lot simpler. All you had to do to be successful was ‘bid it’ then ‘build it’ and finally ‘bill it!” To grow your company, you just worked a little harder. To make more money, you just worked a little longer. To get some more work, you just bid a few more jobs. To keep your customers happy, you met them on the jobsite and worked things out. To get paid, you called and asked your customer when you could pick up a check. Simple!

After your first few years in business, it gets more complicated as you get bigger, you get a few referrals and your company grows. You have to hire more people to help you get all the work done. You have several jobs going at the same time. Different customers have different demands, and they all want your full attention. You begin to struggle with all the everyday tasks of running a business plus running all the jobs. Your job description changes from superintendent and project manager to bookkeeper — office manager — customer service — salesperson — estimator — bill collector — accountant — purchasing agent — referee. 

What plays should I call first?

Football coaches need a playbook, coaches to train their players and players to execute the plays. The head coach develops a strategy to win the game, stays off the field and calls the plays.

In order to improve and win the game of business, you must create a game plan and then identify what plays you want to call. I provide business coaching and help company owners who want to get their businesses to work for them. When owners call for help, they are overwhelmed and frustrated with so many challenges, problems and stresses, they can’t think straight and don’t know what to do. They have failed trying to fix everything themselves all at once. The first thing they say is: “Help! What should I do first?”

Take the Winning BIZ Test - yes or no:  

  1. We have a written and updated STRATEGIC BIZ-PLAN with a clear purpose, vision, mission, targets and goals.
  2. We have a written and updated BIZ-DEVELOPMENT PLAN with sales and marketing systems, tracking, goals and action plans.
  3. The company owner’s top priority is to GROW the business versus doing the work.
  4. We have a strong MANAGEMENT TEAM and organizational structure with accountabilities and responsibilities clearly defined.
  5. We hold regular management, project, and crew TEAM MEETINGS to review and track progress and results.
  6. We have written and updated operational BIZ-SYSTEMS.
  7. We KNOW OUR NUMBERS, achieve excellent profitability, track results and keep score.
  8. Our company WORKS and delivers the expected results!

Are you the coach or player?

Imagine you are a head coach of a college football team. What would you concentrate your time and energy doing to build a winning team? I attended the University of Southern California from 1967 through 1972. We had great football teams, won the Rose Bowl often and were rated number one several times. Coach John McKay led USC to victory during those years and was followed by another winning coach John Robinson. Both coaches went on to the NFL as head coaches. After they left, our football program went downhill and USC was unable to put a winning team on the field. Not until many years later, Pete Carroll was hired as head coach. USC then started to win again and was rated number one. Why?

Like in football, to be a winner in business you have to have all areas working efficiently and at the highest level. Plus surround yourself with the best management team possible. Winning teams are lead by coaches who identify their team’s needs, hire assistant coaches who are the best at what they do, and recruit and train their players how to implement excellence. The coach is the key. The coach doesn’t do the work. The coach’s job is to identify the plan of attack, develop the strategy, recruit and train good players, and then coach the team to get it done according to plan. 

Unlike successful football coaches, business owners often fail trying to try to run their companies by being the quarterback without a playbook or a strategy to get the results they want. When you try to run your business by the seat of your pants, not knowing the score, without good plays or players and keep everything in your head, your company will not be able to grow or ever make a profit. What’s your decision? Get organized and in-control, or stay stressed-out, overworked and underpaid. Now’s the time to start running your business like a professional coach with a playbook, great coaches and a winning strategy. For a copy of ‘BIZ-Builder Blueprint Worksheets’ email [email protected].

As a professional construction BIZCOACH and popular industry speaker, George Hedley helps contractors increase profits, grow and get their companies to work!  He is the best-selling author of “Get Your Construction Business To Always Make A Profit!” available at his online bookstore at E-mail [email protected] to sign-up for his free e-newsletter, join a peer mastermind BIZGROUP, attend a BIZ-BUILDER Boot Camp, implement the BIZ-BUILDER BLUEPRINT, or get a discount for online courses at

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