The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) joined members of the Coalition for Crane Operator Safety in urging Congress to press the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to finalize a rule on certification requirements for crane operators. AGC opposes attempts to block OSHA from funding such a rule. Currently, the long-delayed rule is under final review and could be issued ahead of a November deadline.
The rule originally called for certifications by both type and capacity of cranes, however concerns were raised because testing entities were not prepared to meet the new requirements leading to much uncertainty among employers and the need for a revised rule. Originally, the rule also mistakenly deemed certification as an operator having all the requisite skills to operate a crane safely. AGC is working with OSHA to address these outstanding issues prior to issuing a final rule.
AGC also met with the Trump Administration last week in a similar effort to encourage swift finalization of a rule and thereby give the regulated industry time to come into compliance ahead of a November compliance deadline. AGC looks forward to a rule that will bring certainty to the requirements that employers must undertake and views a final rule as a proactive step to improve jobsite and public safety.
OSHA’s most-recent proposed crane-operator ruling set November 10, 2018, as the date for construction employers to comply with a requirement for crane operator certification.