Three Weeks Left to Comment on EPA Stormwater Regs

AGC supplies analysis and materials to make it easier for contractors' voices to be heard on job-threatening rules

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the public comment period for the draft Construction General Permit (CGP) to regulate stormwater discharges from June 24, 2011, to July 11, 2011, to give the Associated General Contractors and other stakeholders additional time to review the draft permit and provide comments. AGC had expressed concerns to EPA that it was not providing the construction industry enough time to review the draft and supporting documentation, evaluate the impact on the regulated community and develop meaningful feedback and recommendations for the agency.

AGC has strong concerns about the extreme costs contractors would have to bear to comply with the rule as currently written. AGC also is concerned that, by allowing virtually anyone to sample and/or challenge stormwater turbidity at a construction site, the rule would make it extremely easy for anyone to halt a construction project.

AGC has conducted extensive outreach to inform the membership of this significant stormwater development and to solicit feedback on the proposed CGP modifications outline below, as well as other related issues. Over the past month, AGC has published numerous newsletter articles, distributed a list of 26 questions for members to respond to, hosted a free members-only webinar on the proposed permit, and conducted conference calls with the Environmental Forum Steering Committee and Stormwater Task Force members.

As a next step, AGC plans to circulate a "template" comment letter for AGC Chapters and members to customize and submit to EPA under their own signature. In addition, AGC will submit a detailed and comprehensive comment letter to EPA in advance of the new July 11 comment deadline.

Members' input is crucial and will help shape AGC's comments and recommendations to the EPA on the proposed permit language. If you have strong concerns or reactions to the draft CGP -- or specific experience with the stormwater monitoring protocols and procedures that EPA has proposed -- please email Leah Pilconis as soon as possible so AGC can ensure that your position is well represented in the association's comments letter.

Read more the stormwater permit revisions here.


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