AEM Updates Roller Compactor, Directional Drilling Tracking Equipment Safety Manuals

Manuals' new pictorial art aids safety awareness, with pictorials available for download

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has updated its Roller Compactor and Directional Drilling Tracking Equipment Safety Manuals with new pictorial graphics that conform to ISO and ANSI standards and are included in the AEM Pictorial Database. The manuals’ updated graphics more clearly reinforce manual safety text, and they harmonize with current machine safety sign and manufacturer manual practices.

The AEM Pictorial Database is a free online resource with 145 pictorials that can be downloaded through a variety of graphics and computer-aided design software packages. AEM created the pictorial database as an industry service to help companies communicate effective safety messages through consistent industry-recognized pictorial representations.

AEM safety manuals are industry-consensus safety documents written in clear language presented in an easy-to-follow format. They are a convenient and cost-effective way to provide safety information to operators. (The AEM safety manuals are not a substitute for manufacturer manuals.)

All AEM safety manuals, videos and related safety and training products are available online at  Some safety materials are offered in downloadable files or in DVD format. Access the AEM Pictorial database through in the Safety, Regulatory & Technical section.

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