Construction Marketing GPA Offers Marketing Report Card

Free grading service looks at five categories of your company's marketing.

NAPERVILLE, IL - A new marketing grading service is available that measures company or brand marketing performance on a 4.0 grade point average scale similar to education, and then issues a Marketing Report Card.

The free Construction Marketing GPA/Marketing Report Card service grades five (5) categories including: brand execution, marketing programs, Internet marketing, social media integration, and marketing results measurement. The service is available to qualified brand owners from the Construction Marketing Advisors (ADVISORS), a Chicago-region marketing agency that specializes in the construction category.

A brief, web-based form must be completed and submitted to the Construction Marketing Advisors. The "student" or brand owner will receive a Marketing Report Card report with both category grades and a composite grade. In addition, ADVISORS provides three (3) "Big Ideas" or recommendations for improving your marketing GPA.

"A number of diagnostics are available that measure Internet and social media effectiveness. To our knowledge, there are no free, public services that measure both traditional and Internet marketing," states Neil M. Brown, Chief Marketing Officer for ADVISORS. "Obviously, this customized evaluation and recommendation cannot be executed real-time. Our goal is to respond to requests for the Marketing Report Card within 48 hours. We hope this service will be fun and assist construction marketers in driving change within their organizations."

To access the Construction Marketing GPA/Marketing Report Card form, link to:

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