RhinO-Tuff Power Trowels

All models come with Standard Twist Pitch Handle (SPH) but are available (and recommended) with the Rapid Pitch blade pitching system

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All models come with Standard Twist Pitch Handle (SPH) but are available (and recommended) with the Rapid Pitch blade pitching system. It's weight counter-balanced with infinite blade pitch adjustment from flat to maximum pitch.

Maximize operator comfort with RhinO-Tuff’s revolutionary “vibration dampening” adjustable handle that minimizes the vibration transmitted to the operator thereby reducing the risk of operator repetitive injuries. The uniquely designed, fully adjustable handle increases running time up to 4.4 hours per day without exceeding ISO standards. Other manufacturer’s trowels exceed ISO standards in less than 30 minutes, with some models exposing operators’ arms/hands to the maximum vibration limits allowed in as little as 6 minutes.

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