GDOT Preps to Replace Five Bridges by Design-Build

$16.6M plan will replace five bridges that have been in service more than 55 years in 180 days each, widening lanes and adding shoulders

AASHTO Journal

The Georgia DOT closed the first of five bridges over I-85 as part of a $16.6 million effort to replace bridges in service for more than 55 years, increase lane width and add shoulders.

The Plainview Road Bridge in Jackson County is now closed for 180 days of rehabilitation, with the Neal Road Bridge in Franklin County scheduled to close on July 16, the agency said. The bridges at Old Stagecoach Road and Brown Road, in Franklin County, will be closed in early 2019, followed by the Cedar Ridge Road Bridge in mid-2019.

Those five bridge projects use the design-build methodology; a process GDOT plans to use to replace more than 50 bridges across the state over the next five years.

GDOT underscores the benefits of design-build include combining pre-construction related services, such as processing permits and design, with construction services into one contract. Additionally, design-build allows the contractor to participate in the project's design in an effort to reduce costs, improve communication, and expedite project delivery.

The five-bridge replacement contract is being handled by Georgia Bridge and Concrete LLC, and will use both state and federal funds, GDOT said. All five bridge replacements should be completed by spring 2020, the agency added.
