Call for Proposals: International Concrete Sustainability Conference

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is seeking proposals for presentations at the 2015 International Concrete Sustainability Conference scheduled for May 11-13 at the Intercontinental Miami Hotel.

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is seeking proposals for presentations at the 2015 International Concrete Sustainability Conference scheduled for May 11-13 at the Intercontinental Miami Hotel. The 10th annual conference will provide learning and networking opportunities on the latest advances, technical knowledge, continuing research, tools and solutions for sustainable concrete design, manufacturing and construction.

Engineers, architects, public works officials, risk managers, material suppliers, researchers, academics, students, contractors, and concrete industry professionals are invited to share their experiences and accomplishments in advancing sustainable development. Proposals for papers and/or presentations are encouraged on:

  • Resilience - Planning and design that strengthens and renews the social and economic fabric of a community. Designing and specifying high performance applications in buildings and infrastructure, fortified building codes and community initiatives focusing on disaster resistance and adaptive reuse.

  • Life Cycle Assessment - Assessing carbon footprint, embodied energy and other environmental impacts for buildings, infrastructure, and cement and concrete manufacturing.

  • Low Impact Development - Practices including pervious pavements and erosion control structures. Urban heat island reduction, light colored pavements, green roofs and cool communities.

  • Material Science - Innovations in durability, extended service life models and validation. Performance-based specifications to foster sustainability. Innovative concrete production methods. Alternative materials, including aggregates, water, cementitious materials and fuels. Beneficial use of byproducts for cement and concrete production.

  • Social Responsibility - Community action and engagement. Sustainability initiatives adopted by businesses, building owners, designers and manufacturers, including health and well being incentives and legislation.

As in the past, all topics will be considered. However, since the conference is in Miami, one of the largest cities in North America that will be affected by climate change, the emphasis will be placed on proposals that address disaster resilience and durability as a way to help mitigate the devastating effects of natural and manmade hazards, including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes and blast.

Proposals can be submitted online at by November 14, 2014.

The 2015 International Concrete Sustainability Conference is organized by NRMCA in cooperation with the Iberoamerican Federation of Ready Mixed Concrete, the RMC Research & Education Foundation, the Portland Cement Association and the Florida International University College of Engineering and Computing.

For more information about the 2015 conference, other past conferences and future conferences visit or contact [email protected] or 847-918-7101.

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