The American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) is an organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of those who build with concrete - providing them a unified voice in the construction industry. Each year, the ASCC recognizes the dedication of a handful of trendsetters within the concrete industry with a Gaining Strength Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award. Both presented during the ASCC annual conference, on September 29, 2022.
Emerging Leader
In the award's fifth year, the Gaining Strength Award was established to acknowledge the up-and-coming individuals aged 40 and under, from member companies, who go above and beyond to promote and professionally represent the concrete industry, through their actions in their company and industry organizations. The Emerging Leaders Committee of the ASCC, presented the Gaining Strength Award to Joey Ward, director of sales and marketing, Allen Engineering Corp. (pictured above), nominated by Jeff Johnson.
Ward worked at Allen Engineering for over nine years. He began as a member of the leadership training program before being placed in the customer service department. The nomination included: “After learning inside sales and customer service, Joey showed an aptitude and leaning toward Allen’s international customers. After one year he became an international sales manager. After four years of international sales growth, Joey was promoted to inside sales manager in conjunction with his international sales responsibilities. After two years, he was promoted to national sales manager. One year later, he was promoted once again to director of sales and marketing. Joey is highly self-motivated and capable of achieving challenging goals.”
While working for Allen, he returned to school and received his MBA. He has continued his professional development throughout his career, most recently becoming an ACI-certified flatwork finisher. He is a member of the American Rental Association Young Professional Network, a member of Concrete Floors Asia, and a member of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.
Candidates for the 2023 Gaining Strength Award will be accepted after the first of the year. Candidates are judged based on letters of recommendation and letters of acknowledgment from industry organizations, with emphasis on participation, commitment, safety awareness, role modeling, and personal skills and knowledge.
Lifetime Achievement
The Lifetime Achievement Award is ASCC’s highest honor, acknowledging recipients for their body of work within the industry and their service to ASCC. Ronald Simonetti, retired from Cleveland Cement Co., and Robert Dalrymple, North Coast Concrete, both in Cleveland, received Lifetime Achievement Awards from the ASCC.
Dalrymple has been an ASCC member for over four decades. During that time, he chaired the Membership Committee and was instrumental in bringing in numerous new members, many from his home state. He served on the board of directors from 1998 to 2022.
Dalrymple was a member of the first ASCC MIX (Management Information Exchange) contractor peer group that ran nearly two decades. According to past president D. Thomas Ruttura, “Bob was an influencer within ASCC. He was without a doubt one of our most consistent, participating in all our events and encouraging others to do the same.”
Cleveland Cement Co. joined ASCC in the 1950’s. Simonetti’s service started when he became a member of the board of directors in 1967. In 1990 he was elected president and served through 1992. During this time what was to be a 35-year partnership with CNA Insurance was formed, bringing significant revenue and knowledge to the association. “Simonetti was also instrumental in creating an ASCC yearly “convention” which became the Annual Conference in 2002,” says ASCC past president Paul Albanelli. Finally, it was his idea to hold a member event prior to the opening of the World of Concrete exhibits. This became the infamous Kick Off Bash which now welcomes over 400 people every year to network with their peers and industry experts while having fun.”