ForConstructionPros App of the Week: ShareMyToolbox

ShareMyToolbox helps construction contractors looking to loan, borrow and keep track of their tools

Kim Johnston S Mheadshot Headshot
Using ShareMyToolbox to catalog tools lets contractors catalog serial numbers, models, purchase dates and prices.
Using ShareMyToolbox to catalog tools lets contractors catalog serial numbers, models, purchase dates and prices.

Mobile app: ShareMyToolbox
Developer: Viewpoint Construction Software
Cost: Free
Available on: Apple devices (Android version to come)

Tool tracking, sharing and management is now a social experience with the ShareMyToolbox mobile app. The app connects contractors with field employees who in turn can be connected to anyone else. First level connections can search a master library of small tools to track who has what item and what is available.

Video: How ShareMyToolbox Mobile App Helps Contractors Borrow, Lend Tools

Using the free version of ShareMyToolbox, small contractors, consumers and DIYers can record information for each tool including:

  • Item title
  • Item description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model number
  • Purchase date and price
  • Warranty date
  • Link to manufacturer's website
  • Link to owners manual
  • User-defined category
  • Up to six pictures of the item
  • Sharing status on/off (visible to connections or private)

For construction contractors with small tool management needs, the ShareMyToolbox app lets employees know what tools are available and which co-worker has them without needing to call the office for that information. The app makes employees accountable for the tools assigned to them and also facilitates the exchange of tools between employees without checking them back into a tool crib.

Users can upgrade from the free version to the paid Enterprise version (available in December 2015) for more features including:

  • Web interface with connection administration, multiple administrator option, add/import tools, and inquiries and simple reports
  • Bar Coding for quick check in/out
  • Rental tool tracking
  • Group/peer-to-peer sharing/transfer of tools between employees without checking them back in
  • User defined fields for calibration or maintenance tracking
  • Additional push notifications
  • High resolution pictures

App features:

  • Create a detailed inventory of an unlimited number tools and assets
  • Unlimited connections (friends, family and co-workers)
  • In-app push notifications for connection requests or tool requests
  • Color-coded tool statuses (available, unavailable, loaned and borrowed)
  • Mark tools as non-sharable
  • Transaction history
  • Search for tools by text and filter
  • User-defined lender terms
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