Reid Supply Company, one of the country's leading suppliers of industrial products, now offers a free online Carbon Footprint Calculator and other calculators to help industry and education take proactive steps to lower their energy use.
Many manufacturers and educators needed a resource to find Carbon Footprint Calculators, Fuel Cost Calculators, Performance Benchmarking Tools, Facility Assessment Wizards, Workplace Posters, Energy Posters, and more. By visiting ReidSupply.com and scrolling to the bottom of the page, anyone can find these and more in the free "Tools You Can Use" area under the Knowledge Base section of the website.
"Many of our customers are finding these online calculators very useful as energy savings and planning tools," says Greg Palmer, Director of Marketing for Reid Supply. "Some of our more popular online tools include the energy-related ones."
Now you can receive industry-tailored recommendations with the Industrial Energy Efficiency tool at Reid's website. Additional tools include Industrial Energy Benchmarks, Performance Benchmarking, Facility Assessment Wizard, Fuel Cost Calculator, Motor Calculator and an Energy Glossary.
"Any company or educator who is moving toward energy efficiency will find these tools very informative," says John Carrier, President of Reid Supply. "We are happy to bring so many important tools like our Workplace Posters to our customers."
The U.S. Department of Labor requires certain regulations to be prominently displayed in the workplace -- but which ones does your business really need? Select a state from the drop-down list in the Tools You Can Use section to find out. A link to the state's Web site will be provided. From this link you will be able to access information on how to obtain state and federal workplace posters for the specified state. Some states offer an 800 number that you can call to have the posters sent directly to you for free, as well as a link to access posters that you can print and download. This is a great resource for any new or existing business.
"Another great tool we offer is the Headline News section," says Palmer. "Like many, you may not have time to casually browse through the morning paper -- but that does not mean you can't stay in the loop. Headline News provides RSS feeds from the best sources of industry and technology news relevant to your specific industry, with a click of a button."
Some news sources in the Headline News section update hourly, so click your browser's refresh button or click on the subject category again in the left-hand column if you have not refreshed the news headlines recently. These are RSS feeds and not original content from Reid Supply.
Access all the tools at info.reidsupply.com/tools-you-can-use.aspx
About Reid Supply Company
Reid Supply Company is a Michigan-based industrial supply company known in the manufacturing and construction community for over 60 years. They stock standard as well as hard-to-find products for manufacturers and general consumers worldwide including Manufacturing; Transportation Construction; CAD and Engineering; Food Processing; Packaging; Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy; Government; Aerospace; and Medical.
For more information, go online at ReidSupply.com.