Ironworks LLC is looking for four large infrastructure contractors for its beta program for the company's comprehensive, cloud-based equipment cost management system for infrastructure contractors. Ironworks is looking for contractors to use the system and provide feedback on its features and functionality. The beta program launched recently, with Teichert Construction of California as the first participant, following four years of prototype development with alpha users.
“With Ironworks, the process of bidding for work in the fiercely competitive infrastructure construction industry will never be the same again,” said Grant Lungren, president of Ironworks LLC, creator of the widely used Hard Dollar EOS/PXS (now offered by InEight). “Ironworks changes the game by managing a fleet like a job, allowing for detailed budgeting and control of machine employment costs.”
Steel River Equipment of Steel River Group in Canada is the latest contractor to join the beta program. Steel River Equipment capitalizes on Steel River Group’s expanded network of allied partners to procure and broker the equipment it needs, while supplying its alliance partners and internal division with equipment and maintenance services. The company will apply Ironworks’ abilities for managing machine-specific costs in planning, scheduling, budgeting and assessing the deployment of heavy equipment in various projects and applications.
Steel River Group offers a diverse range of operational, construction and management support services in the construction industry. It aims to align Indigenous communities and industry in discovering greater opportunities together.
Ironworks' competitive advantage
Ironworks’ key equipment cost management functions include fleet information administration, renting and leasing, charge-rate management, client billing rate administration, dispatching, machine performance history and fleet analysis and optimization.
“Ironworks uses advanced data visualization and analytics technology to make expert equipment cost management easy,” Lungren said. “Not every contractor has to use Ironworks, but they will have to compete against those who do.”
To be considered for participation in the Ironworks beta program, contractors are asked to go to www.ironworkscloud.com, and click on the top line menu option “Beta Program” and then “I am interested.”