Building Excellence with USG

A Legacy of Quality, Innovation, and Trust in Construction

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Usg Influencer

Happy New Year everyone! As we're crafting our New Year's resolutions or changing them already, let's resolve to use only the best products for every job. We may not often think about the 'commodities' on our jobsite - but quality and performance matter, which is why you can always count on USG as the original, most trusted name in the category.

I’m Diana Henry, and as a former broadcast news journalist and now editor, I’ve had the fantastic opportunity to tell stories that impact people's lives. The stories run the gamut – but I’ve always loved telling those of the unsung heroes from the manufacturing and construction industries.

I know a little bit about drywall – even spotted screws and mudded in my teen years, thanks to my high school boyfriend and his family’s drywall finishing business. USG was a household name for me then and still today when someone says drywall.

No wonder! USG has been around for over 120 years and is readily found in local home improvement stores. Take a walk down the drywall aisle or a search online, and you quickly see why they’ve been around so long – they have so many products and options.

USG products have been a trusted solution - in addition to good construction and design - that provides proven performance when it matters most. From UltraLight Panels to Durock® and Fiberock® - these well-known solutions are trusted by the PROs on jobsites across the country.

While performance and safety are at the forefront of USG’s products, the company is also focused on innovation that improves the lives of the professionals who work with their products. I recently spoke with a job foreman who told me that Sheetrock® Brand EcoSmart Panels Firecode® X (ULIX™) are ultralightweight, meaning his crew lifts hundreds of pounds less each day.

The moral of this story: give a little thought – and credit – to the hard-working foundation behind the walls and ceilings in the many of the rooms you use every day. Think about that innovation thanks to the brand that started the category.              

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