Cat Launches Video to Celebrate Anniversary

Cat Trial 14: After Hours video celebrates the last 100 years of vehicle evolution.

M Shriver Headshot Headshot
Caterpillar is celebrating 100 years of creation this year and has put together a short video to display its decades of equipment — with a twist of a little midnight magic.
Caterpillar is celebrating 100 years of creation this year and has put together a short video to display its decades of equipment — with a twist of a little midnight magic.

Caterpillar is celebrating 100 years of creation this year and has put together a short video to display its decades of equipment  with a twist of a little midnight magic. 

Showcasing the evolution and power of the Cat lineup, the video playfully presents the company's heavy machinery from various years coming to life after hours and working together to move earth. Ranging from the first year of business, after its merger in 1925, to the present day, equipment of all ages and all sorts got up to a little mischief once everyone had gone home for the night. Cat T14 Drone 71Caterpillar

In a Night at the Museum-esque fashion, Caterpillar products new and old came to life. Some drove through and over dirt while others pushed the earth along. Each machine uniquely represented the 100 years of evolution and innovation. It's evident that as the years passed by, Cat's equipment became more technologically advanced and larger with more power and strength. Caterpillar is celebrating 100 years of creation this year and has put together a short video to display its decades of equipment — with a twist of a little midnight magic.Caterpillar is celebrating 100 years of creation this year and has put together a short video to display its decades of equipment — with a twist of a little midnight magic.Caterpillar

The company's fun Cat Trial 14: After Hours video helped debut the Cat Centennial D3 machine. This vehicle is a limited-edition dozer and its gray color is a homage to the Cat vehicles of the past as this was the color they used to come in. Viewers got a quick glimpse of the dozer that will be for sale this year. 

Delve into Cat's past 100 years more here.

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