Which Oil is the Right Oil for Your Fleet?

Making the right choices about which oil to use, when to change the oil, and using the right filter can help fleets strike the appropriate balance between cost and operating a well-oiled fleet

The simple answer to which oil is right for your equipment is the oil recommended by the OEM.
The simple answer to which oil is right for your equipment is the oil recommended by the OEM.

Knowing your fluids is key to maintaining a healthy fleet. Worktruckonline.com is writing a three-part series on truck fluids, starting with oil.

Not only is oil critical to engine health, it’s also an ongoing fleet expense. Making the right choices about which oil to use, when to change the oil and using the right filter can help fleets strike the appropriate balance between cost and operating a well-oiled fleet (literally).

“The No. 1 fundamental about oil is to understand the oil requirements for each vehicle’s engine,” said Stede Granger, OEM technical services manager for Shell Lubricants. “Your OEM representative or their website and your owner’s manual are good sources of information to be sure you’re choosing the right oil.”

(more on choosing the right oil, oil changes and picking the right oil filter...)

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