Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 40 Plasma Cutter

Unit offers the flexibility to use 115V-230V primary power and delivers a rated output of 40 amps at 40% duty cycle or better.

Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster40

The 22-lb. Cutmaster 40 manual plasma cutting system is designed for mobile fabrication, light construction, HVAC, metal/building/roofing, mechanical contracting, maintenance/repair and other applications.

  • Offers the flexibility to use 115V-230V primary power and delivers a rated output of 40 amps at 40% duty cycle or better
  • Delivers a recommended cut and pierce capacity on 1/2-in. steel and can sever steel up to 1 in. on 230V primary, or has a recommended cut and pierce on 3/8-in. steel on 115V primary
  • Supplied 115V adapter simply connects to the hardwired 230V plug to use 115V power 
  • Rugged, weather-proof, three-handle case provides protection, especially during transportation
  • Comes with the SL60 1Torch with 16-ft. torch lead
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