Hot Mix April 2004

News for the pavement industry.

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Asphalt Care Equipment named top Ingersoll-Rand dealer

Less than one year after adding Asphalt Care Equipment Inc. as a road-building products distributor for Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, Ingersoll-Rand named the dealer its "Top Distributor for Commercial Pavers in 2003."

Based in Bensalem, Asphalt Care Equipment purchased the most commercial pavers from Ingersoll-Rand in 2003.

Ingersoll-Rand presented the award at the 2004 National Pavement Expo in Nashville.

UPM's Letizia Sr. honored for service

Tom Letizia Sr., president and CEO of Unique Paving Materials Corp., Cleveland, received the William W. "Bill" Baker Award March 4 at the Flexible Pavements Annual Convention in Columbus, OH.

Letizia received the award for "lifetime contributions to the asphalt pavement industry."

FP2 offers series of application brochures

The Foundation for Pavement Preservation (FP2) has available its Pavement Preservation Series Checklist Series, a group of six brochures each highlighting a specific pavement maintenance application.

Applications covered include cracksealing, chip seal, fog seal, thin hot mix overlay, microsurfacing, and PCC joint sealing.

For information visit

Industry Appointments

John W. (Bill) Kirk III, president and CEO of Associated Asphalt Inc., is 2004 chairman of the Asphalt Institute board of directors.

New district managers at Stone Construction are Paul McClendon, Texas; Gary Ross, Ohio, West Virginia, and parts of Pennsylvania; Jeff Brooks, northwestern U.S., Alaska, and western Canada.

Ron Tremper is manager of sales operations for TrynEx International. ... Charles Caubet is marketing services manager for Shindaiwa Inc.

At Reflexite Americas Ken Delegan is sales manager, John Harvey is industry manager, and Lauren Maston is marketing associate.

At Federal Signal's Environmental Products Group, Jason Carter is northwest regional sales manager.

First naPSa-certified Sweeper Honored

Armstrong Sweeping, Denver, was the first contract sweeper in the country to be certified a "naPSa Certified Sweeping Company" under the North American Power Sweeping Association's (naPSa) sweeper certification program, begun last year. Presenting the first certification plaque at last year's National Pavement Expo West, are (from left) Gerry Kesselring, naPSa president, Mitch Armstrong, Kerry Armstrong, and Shanda Middleton, former naPSa administrative director. To become certified, Armstrong Sweeping fulfilled a number of requirements established by naPSa, including have at least one manager with three years' experience in sweeping company operations (or a management team with five years' experience), generate at least 51% of revenues from sweeping services, participate in continuing education on industry issues, and more. To date, more than a dozen naPSa members have received their CSC certification. naPSa is also developing a second level of certification, termed Master Sweeping Company. For more information on naPSa or its contract sweeper certification programs visit or call 269-383-6993.

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