It’s not your parents’ sweeping industry anymore. Sweepers are more technical, as well as expensive. Client requirements are increasingly sophisticated.
Many contracts being provided now contain clauses designed to transfer what was historically the customers’ liability on to sweeping (and other) contractors. Required insurance limits have gone through the roof, as well, all of which have caused premiums to soar.
Ever-more sweeping clients are faced with mandates to reduce the pollution coming from their properties, not just remove cosmetic debris. A number of states have levied storm water runoff fees that can exceed $1,000 per month. Precisely because pollution problems that have not been solved through requiring street sweeping, regulators are now starting to take a hard look at whether parking lot sweeping should become a business requirement.
Because so much is changing so quickly, the value of working with an information-oriented association of like-minded contractors is more important than ever before. That’s why, at the World Sweeping Association, in addition to the usual discounts we offer our WSA members over 250 articles on how to run their businesses better. These include nearly 100 audio podcasts.
Plus, every two weeks we provide an exclusive update that covers the latest industry news and information. Some of this is provided courtesy of my nearly 30-year information network within the sweeping industry. Other issues are the result of our member contractors sharing their own local issues, knowing WSA offers a venue for providing this information to the other WSA Member contractors.
Yes, we offer at least as good a discount structure as any other association. However, where WSA truly shines in the wealth of information we make available to our members. We believe so strongly that every sweeping contractor in America will benefit from a WSA membership that we offer a 90-day money back guarantee on our $325/year dues. Isn’t it time you found out how the World Sweeping Association will benefit your sweeping company?