Bay Bridge Construction Contractor Penalized for Steel Rod Failure

Panel votes to withhold $8 million from American Bridge/Fluor to help pay for $24 million retrofit after 32 rods snapped on bridge's seismic stabilizers in 2013

The panel overseeing the Bay Bridge construction project voted to withhold $8 million from the main contractor — a joint venture between American Bridge and Fluor — to help pay for the $24 million retrofit after 32 rods snapped on the bridge's seismic stabilizers in September 2013. The panel also added an additional $3 million penalty for failing to protect more than 400 anchor roads at the tower's base from flooding.

In addition, the oversight panel sanctioned the bridge design joint venture T.Y. Lin International/Moffatt Nichol $8 million for its role in the 2013 rod debacle.

It is still undetermined who will pay for the remaining $8 million owed for the retrofit and the estimated $15 million to $25 million cost to keep the tower rods from being flooded.

(more on the penalties for the Bay Bridge construction failures...)

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