Experts Claim There is No Glass Shortage in the Construction Industry

Is large demand and delays at the fabrication level what caused reports of a glass shortage that didn't actually exist?

Construction Dive

According to Lyle Hill, former president and CEO of an Illinois glass and metal contractor, there is no glass shortage but rather a combination of large demand for certain higher-performing products and delays at the fabrication level. In addition, a PPG float glass production line in California that unexpectedly went offline raised concern of a shortage. However, that plant is back up and running at full capacity.

According to another glass contractor from Florida, Jim Hall, large plants shutting down for any period of time can create a logjam for that product. Hall says there seems to be plenty of glass available, and suppliers are telling him they are fully stocked.

It seems that there may not be a glass shortage in the industry, but there could certainly be a tight supply for the current demand.

(more experts and contractors weigh in on the glass "shortage"...)
