Located 22 miles north of Champaign, IL, Paxton Hardware and Rental is nestled in rural Central Illinois where it has been doing business for 20 years. “My rental inventory is pretty spread out, and I don’t carry anything that requires a fifth-wheel trailer to transport it,” said store owner Scott Allen. “Still, rental has been steadily growing over the years and currently accounts for approximately 20 percent of our annual sales.”
To stay up-to-date with trends and keep his rental inventory fresh, Allen attended the ARA show this year in Anaheim and then traveled to Dallas for the True Value Reunion, where, he noted, there was a nice selection of rental items.
“In Anaheim, I saw a lot of new and innovative items, including one I purchased - a newer stump planer that attaches to a large posthole auger like I have for my skid steer and mini skid steer units. GPS tracking and equipment monitoring devices such as the ones offered by Watcher Protection are really increasing in popularity. There were some very interesting and innovative brush cutters and concrete saws as well.”
Allen said he also purchased a jackhammer for his Bobcat skid steer, a new Kubota tractor with backhoe, and a sweeper with pickup capabilities from Quick Attach, along with a soil conditioner. In his words “I found the show to be very worthwhile.”
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