House Introduces Gas Tax Hike Legislation to Pay for New Transportation Bill

The Bridge to Sustainable Infrastructure Act legislation calls for increase in gas tax indexed to inflation for January 2016

A bipartisan group of House members filed The Bridge to Sustainable Infrastructure Act legislation which calls for a hike to the federal gas tax, indexed to inflation, to pay for the new transportation bill. The measure would increase the current 18.4 cents per gallon gas tax to index it to inflation in January 2016 and set it to rise again in three years unless Congress can come up with a new way to pay for federal transportation projects.

Construction News Tracker Video: House GOP Chairman Says Gas-Tax Hike is Dead

The measure's sponsors said the gas tax increase would generation $27.5 billion as well as give lawmakers more time to find new transportation funding sources to replace the gas tax.

(more on The Bridge to Sustainable Infrastructure Act...)

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