Top 10 Most-Read Construction Business Stories of 2018

The most construction professionals read these stories about construction business improvement and news on in 2018

New EPA ruling allows new products containing asbestos to be created, and asbestos imports from January to April 2018 increased four-fold.
New EPA ruling allows new products containing asbestos to be created, and asbestos imports from January to April 2018 increased four-fold.

1. EPA Is Now Allowing Asbestos Back into Construction Materials

Asbestos imports have increased four-fold since the first of the year, and the proposed EPA ruling would leave protecting construction workers from asbestos up to states and you

Bus 2018 Outlook

2. SPECIAL REPORT: Construction Industry 2018 Spending Forecast

Economists from four of the leading construction industry associations share their outlook for general construction

Bus Organization3. How To Increase Efficiency By Improving Management Organization

Five tips to increase efficiency throughout your construction management organization

Bus H2 San Francisco Modular

 4. Modular Construction Will Build New Momentum in 2018

Merger of manufacturing and construction has opened up new markets and revenue streams with creative construction solutions


Bus Welcome5. How to Make New Employees Feel Welcome at Your Construction Company

Today’s younger and newer workers care about their work environment so contractors need to spend more time on the welcoming part of bringing a new employee on


Bus Excavators6. 3 Construction Industry Trends for 2018

MSI Data highlights three of the biggest trends construction contractors should prepare for this year to stay ahead of the competition

Bus Marijuana7. Survey: Millennials and Marijuana Top Workforce Issues for Paving Companies

Presentation of the survey's conclusions is one the education sessions scheduled at World of Asphalt next month


Bus Silica Dust8. OSHA Issued 116 Silica Safety Violations Since New Rule Took Effect

Number of violations in the initial six months is likely to increase since OSHA can take up to six months after an inspection to issue citations


Bus Bonus Dep9. Important Updates to Bonus Depreciation for 2018 Equipment Purchases

Bonus depreciation can offer a valuable opportunity for both new and used construction equipment purchases


10. A Foreman’s Approach to Bus MentorWorking with New Employees on Their First Day

Eight steps foremen should do to make an employee comfortable on the first day of work and help the foreman assess the new employee

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