Is Construction Still Considered 'Essential' In Your State?

With states allowing stay-home orders to expire in environments where COVID-19 infections and deaths continue to rise, here's a place where you can discover the official status of whether or not you can go to work

Click on the links in the story to reach ConstructConnect's interactive map to get detail on states' decisions on construction's work status.
Click on the links in the story to reach ConstructConnect's interactive map to get detail on states' decisions on construction's work status.

ConstructConnect is maintaining an interactive map updated with the "essential" or other status of construction in the 50 U.S. states.

Find out which states are restarting work, which areas are subject only to local rulings and where local jurisdictions and state DOTs have imposed their own construction restrictions. 

There's a link to a similar map of Canadian provinces

You'll also find a link to a database of more than 4,000 delayed construction projects (as of April 30).
