AEMP's IGNITE Learning Lab for CEM and CESP Exam Prep Goes Online

The IGNITE Learning Lab is designed to help those planning to take the CEM and CESP exam develop knowledge of pertinent content, sort out what's covered, identify content areas of focus and increase their expertise in equipment management.

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Association of Equipment Maintenance Professionals

Preparing for the CEM and CESP exam can be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. The exam covers a broad base of knowledge, principles and best practices needed to achieve a higher level of heavy equipment management. The Association of Equipment Management Professionals’ (AEMP) IGNITE Learning Lab is designed to help those planning to take the exam develop knowledge of pertinent content, sort out what is covered on the exam, identify content areas of focus, and increase their  expertise in the profession of equipment management.

The IGNITE Learning Lab is a seven-week course consisting of online learning modules, study guides, live preparatory sessions with the trainers and pre-tests to help participants prepare for the certification exam. It includes all the resources required to succeed in a scheduled training course to keep participants on target for achieving the goal of becoming certified. Because the program involves guided self-study, participants are recommended to set aside 4-6 hours per week for study and keeping up with the course content. 

The launch date for the program is February 8, 2021, with live sessions scheduled February 24 and March 24. Instructors include:

  • Corey Dungey, CEM Transportation Safety Manager, LafargeHolcim
  • Steve Fooy, CEM Independent Consultant, Equipment Asset Management
  • Joe Shoen, CESP Fleet Management, Western States Equipment Co.
  • William Kohler, CEM Maintenance Manager, E.D.W. Levy Texas Mill Service
  • Randy Holley, Logistics/Supply Chain Manager, Albemarle

Also available is an additional six-month mentorship program. This program is designed to provide extra support from others in the field who will help participants explore the best practices and standards from alternative viewpoints and achieve professional goals.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or visit To register, click here.

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